Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Run past Carson City

I left the MH at 1:30 pm to go on the Carson City trail and on up to Pearl Lake.  It took me 4 hours to go 36 miles, 8 of which was on 35 mph roads.  In other words, I spent 3 1/2 hours doing 28 miles.  There are a lot of pretty rough areas where you have to take it real slow but all in all, it is a very interesting trail.  There were several side trails that would be fun to explore. 

This would be a good trail for a group as long as they have the whole day to do it and not get in a hurry.  It rained and sleeted on me on the way out and rained again on the way back.  There are several places where you are very high up and I was worried about lightning so I pushed pretty hard on the way back.

Only took a couple of pictures since I was working hard to get the trail over with.  Sort of like in a race.  Pretty smart, huh?!

          Below is the Carson City ghost town.  I flew right by this spot at 10 mph.  Wow!!!

This bird was on the trail.  Is it a grouse??
On one of the down hill areas, some sort of animal was running towards me on the trail.  I stopped, he stopped, looked at me for a moment, and then ran off to my right.  I think it may have been a wolverine and he was making up his mind whether he wanted to attack or not!!!!

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